Metal Recycling – It’s Benefits & How Scrap Can Save the Planet

Did you know that metal recycling has reduced environmental pollution by 86% and decreased water pollution by 76%? Those numbers are enough to perk up anybody’s ears! But, what if we told you that there are also several economic benefits of metal recycling, including both personal and professional gains?

For instance, manufacturers that follow lean manufacturing methods can get tax benefits from using recycled metal in their equipment. You can even help drive down your own future costs by recycling your own scrap metal. That’s just the tip of the iceberg!

So, just how much will metal recycling contribute to long-term energy savings and put money back into your pocket? In order to answer this question, let’s first discuss what metal recycling is, and how it can positively impact the environment.

What is Metal Recycling?

If you glance around the room you are sitting in right now, chances are your eyes will land on a number of different metals, whether it be the furniture, building infrastructure, or the aluminum can you are drinking out of.


Metals of all kinds are a part of our everyday lives. But, what happens when those metals no longer serve a purpose? The ideal answer to that question is it should become recycled as scrap metal.

Scrap Metal Recycling

Scrap metal recycling is the process of collecting, and melting metals, that have reached the end of their life cycle. Essentially these metals can be reused as raw materials for the creation of new products.

This recycling process will take just about any type of metal from items such as:

  • Household appliances
  • Copper cable wires
  • Electronic devices
  • Food packaging
  • Metal building infrastructure parts

These are just a few of the many categories that can contribute to commercial recycling. So, which metals are recyclable? This leads us to our next point.

Types of Recyclable Metal

Since the list of different recyclable metals is very long, most scrap metal experts break it down into two categories: ferrous and non-ferrous metals. However, to keep it simple, some of the most popular recyclable metals include:

  • Aluminum
  • Copper
  • Brass
  • Iron
  • Steel/Tin

Of all these metals, recycling centers find great value in copper in particular and are likely to pay good money for recycling it. Speaking of value…

Commercial Recycling Industry Projections Skyrocket

When it comes to the outlook on the scrap metal industry, it surely is a bright one with the estimated industry projections looking to scale exponentially in the coming years.
In fact, the industry has hit quite a boom, as many businesses globally are beginning to recognize that there is ‘reward in the recycle.’ The projections of scrap metal recycling will likely surpass $86 billion in 2027!

The projections in the US alone look incredibly promising, with an estimated 42% of U.S. metal coming from recycled scraps. Along with this surge of recycling comes great benefits to the natural world as well.

The Environmental Advantages of Recycling

When metal products are simply thrown away, there is more than a price tag that comes with it. This probably doesn’t come as a shock, but the sacrifice made is the environment.

Many do not understand that when the metals are simply dumped, we risk exposing the environment to the rawest form of these metals. It doesn’t sound like a bad thing until we break it down. Or perhaps more succinctly, “not able to break it down” as it pertains to most metals.

When we fail to recycle these metal components, we risk the exposure of our plants, soil, animals, and water to toxic metal components like europium, cerium, and neodymium.


Environment Benefits from Recycling

Energy Conservation

Furthermore, let’s add some context to see how just how impactful recycling metals can be for the conservation of energy:

Here it is: Just ONE recycled aluminum can have the capacity to power a computer for up to 3 hours, and a light bulb for 20+ hours. Who knew!?

With this statistic showcasing the major energy benefits that recycling metals has, it is rather unfortunate that only 35% of all aluminum is recycled. This equates to a huge loss of energy in the grand picture.

Recycling is a Smart Economic Move

It’s no secret that a loss of energy is a hole in the pockets of businesses both small and large. So how is metal recycling considered the smart economic move for businesses? Let’s attempt to break it down — again.

The National Economy Benefits

Scrap metal is one of the largest exports in the U.S. By recycling these metals within the country, boosting both the national economy and reduces the need for global mining. Not only is this a huge benefit for the environment, but it also saves countlessdollars annually.

Your Business Saves Money Too!



That’s right, the global and national economy benefits from metal scrap recycling, which means that your business can too!

Commercial scrap metal recycling can cut expenses by reducing disposal costs, so you can focus on other facets of your business. Furthermore, your business can be used as an additional source of revenue. Here’s how.

If your company chooses to recycle, you can showcase your efforts and promote your business as environmentally friendly! Next, depending on your state, you can receive tax credits for using equipment with recycled materials, property tax exemption by reusing the waste materials, or even tax credits for using recycled materials in the manufacturing process.

As you can see, scrap recycling metals is a no brainer!

Uses For Recycled Metals

When you think about recycling metals, you should think about the industries that you are benefiting from when your business puts these practices in place.

As mentioned before, most of the U.S. uses recycled metals for constructions and the creation of new products. Common industries that benefit from metal recycling include:

  • Automotive Parts
  • Plane Parts
  • Ductwork
  • Industrial Containers
  • Food Packaging
  • Furniture

Recycling Metals for a better world


It’s no secret that many of the industries that produce these products play quite a huge role in the U.S economy.
So how can you help play a role in the future of the environment, economy and your own business? It’s time for you to find a scrap recycling center!

Begin Commercial Recycling With GLE

So now that you are more familiar with the reasons why both your business and the world can benefit from commercial recycling, it’s time to take matters into your own hands!





Talk with a tax professional to see how you can take advantage of tax breaks for your business when beginning recycling efforts!

Then, find a scrap recycling center like GLE Scrap Metal that understands your needs as a business and can provide you with services tailored to you. 

We are the experts that offer recycling services to the public, businesses, and demolition companies! We want to give you the tools for proper recycling and to add revenue to your business, all while benefiting the environment. 

Call us at 855-SCRAP-88 to learn more about our environmentally-friendly process!

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